Dance Technics
"The Studio of All Dance Styles"
20 Merrimac Square, Merrimac, MA BOX 30
Looking to mail us? Please use:
Valerie Cagnina/Dance Technics
Box 742
Tewksbury, MA 01876

2024/2025 Dance Schedule
Fall Classes start Wednesday, September 4th
(updated 6/22/24)
Tuition- Auto Pay Rates
30 min. class………………..….. $50/mthly
45 min. class………………...……$70/mthly
60 min. class……………………...$90/mthly
75 min. class .........................$110/mthly
Tuition- Non Auto Pay Rates
30 min. class……………………..$55/mthly
45 min. class……………………. $75/mthly
60 min. class……………………..$95/mthly
75 min. class ........................$110/mthly
*A one-time registration of $20 (individual)
or $30 per family is due upon each dance year
Multiple Class Discount
(Excludes Unlimited, Aspiring Plans)
2 hours/week = 10% off total tuition
3 hours/week= 15% off total tuition
4 hours/week= 20% off total tuition
5 hours/week= 25% off total tuition
Private Lessons/Solo Routines
Students enrolled in Comp Team who take 4 or
more hours/week can choose to do a solo,
duet, or trio that will be competed in 2 or more dance competitions.
Private lessons typically meet twice a month for 30 minutes/lesson (12 lessons)
Private Rates
(Ages 12+, non Rising Star Dancers)
Solo Rate= $250 paid before first lesson, $250 paid at 6th lesson
Duo Rate= $200/dancer paid before first lesson. $200/dancer paid at 6th lesson
Trio Rate= $150/dancer paid before first lesson, $150/dancer paid at 6th lesson
Competition Fees will be due in January, February, and/or March depending on how many competitions each dancer will be in
Tuesday- Studio A
Jr. Competition Contemporary.**.......4:45-5:15pm
Jr. Competition Jazz**..........................5:15--5:45pm
Sr. Comp Technique & stretch++....... 5:45-6:15pm
Sr. Comp Hip Hop................................ 6:15-6:45pm
Sr. Ballet**.............................................6:45-7:30pm
Sr. Comp Contemporary..........................7:30-8pm
Sr. Comp Jazz.................. ....................,,,,8-8:30pm
Tuesday-Studio B
Tap/Ballet/Jazz 2/3 (Ages 7-9)...............4:45-5:30pm
Jr. Hip Hop w/ACRO (Ages 7-9)...............5:30-6pm
Jr. Hip Hop 2 (Ages 10+) ...........................6-6:45pm
Hip Hop Club (Invite Only) ......................6:45-7pm
NEW! Hip Hop Club Elite (invite only) ..5:45-6pm
NEW! Teen Lyrical (ages 12+)................7-7:30pm
Tuesday- Studio A
New! Intro to dance 1 (ages 2-3)....10:30-11:15am
Wednesday- Studio A
Creative Dance 2 (Ages 4-5).............4:15-5pm
Jr. Contemporary .............................5-5:45pm
NEW! Jr Competition OPEN##...........5:45-6:15pm
Sr Contemporary..................................6:15-7pm
Adv Jazz /Lyrical**............................... 7-8pm
Competitive OPEN ...............................8-8:30pm
Wednesday- Studio B
New! Creative Dance 1 .......................4:15-5pm
Thursday- Studio A
Jr Ballet 2/3 .......................................... 4:30-5:15pm
Jr. Lyrical 2/3......................................... 5:15-6pm
Sr. Dance Troupe..................................6-7pm
Sr. Ballet.................................................7-8pm
Sr. Pointe...............................................8-8:30pm
Thursday- Studio B
Jr. Jazz.....................................................4-4:30pm
Jr. Ballet 1/2...........................................4:30-5pm
SR rotation class+ ................................. 5-6pm
Teen Tap%............................................... 5:30-6pm
Jr Tap ......................................................6-6:30pm
Irish Step (12+)......................... ............6:45-7:30pm
Thursday- Studio C
NEW! Comp Team 1 (invite only).....4-4:30pm
NEW! Jr Lyrical 1/2 (ages 7-9)...........4:30-5pm
Tap/Ballet/Jazz 1/2 (Ages 5-7)...............5-5:45pm
Student Choreo w/improv ...................6:30-7pm
Jr. Dance Troupe .......................................7-8pm
Hold your spot today!
"Buy Now" purchase for the registration fee reserves your spot
in the class of your choice!
Please be sure to email the studio the dancers full name and class choice.
Competition Team Rate/
Unlimited Classes= $299/mth
Unlimited students will receive 10% off solo, duo, and trio lessons. This program is autopay only. Discount excludes Rising Star options.
Aspiring Dancer Plan (JR Division)
(ages 9-13)= $229/month
For dancers with the dedication to attain their highest potential. Classes must include Competition Team and/or Dance Troupe, Jr. Ballet, Jr. Contemporary or Jr Lyrical, Jr. Tap, and Jr. Hip Hop (6 classes with at least 5 styles). This plan is autopay only.
NEW! Rising Star Program
Invite Only. For dancers that are ready for a solo and are age of 11 and under. Dancers must take 2 classes per week. One of those classes must be in the style of their solo dance. They will have 2 mini private lessons per month, and the fee is an additional $30 per month over their tuition (Sept-June). Mini lessons will be for 5 months during the year.
New! Rising Star Duo
For dancers participating in the Rising Star Program. A duo will meet twice a month for 20 min each, or weekly for 10 min each and the fee is an additional $15 per month over their tuition (Sept-June). Mini lessons will be for 5 months during the year.
**Jr. Comp Team (any option) must take 2 hours/week
## Competitive Open or comp team contemporary must take one other contemporary class
#Jr. Comp Team must take 1 ballet class/week
**Adv. students must take 2 ballet classes/week and 2 technique-based hours/week
***Pointe students must be enrolled in at least 1 ballet class/week
++Sr. Competition Team must take 2 ballet class + 3 other technique-based hours/week
+++Students must be enrolled in one other class to participate in Jr. Hip Hop Club
+Adv dancers will have a variety or teachers/styles each. The teacher will vary each week. The class will be technique-based.
+++Students 11+ must take 4 classes/week to participate in a solo/duo/trio
+*Dance Troupe dancers must take a minimum of 2 classes
% Teen Tap will have the option to participate in the rotation class (2 weeks a month will be tap) or may participate in Jr tap the other 2 weeks in the month when the class is not tap
Unsure what to take?
Come try a class! $20 drop-in rate will get applied to your tuition if you choose to sign up!