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Save the Dates!


Senior Showcase night (no audience)- Thursday, February 6th 7-8pm (dancers arrive by 6:45 if they are not already dancing that night).


February Vacation- No Classes February 17-20 for school vacation week.


It’s competition season! Schedules will be emailed as I receive them, with any/all info for the event. Each day/event will have specific studio reps that will be at the event for the dancers.

Class recommendations!- Handed out in class in March. These are classes your teachers suggest for you next dance year.


April Vacation- No classes April 21-24 for school vacation week.


Picture Day- Monday, May 4th at the studio.

Spring recital is Saturday, June 14th!


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Dance Technics 2024/2025 Calendar

Wednesday 9/4……….. Welcome Back! First day of dance classes


Tuesday 10/15 …………. 50% of costume deposits due (autopay will be deducted unless instructed otherwise). Please note Dance Troupe and Jr/Sr Comp will have 2 costumes deducted)


Thursday 10/31 ………….Happy Haloween! No classes this evening


Friday 11/29 ……………….. Final Costume deposits due (50%) (autopay will be deducted unless instructed otherwise). Please note Dance Troupe and Jr/Sr Comp will have 2 costumes deducted)


Tuesday-Thursday 11/19-11/21 ………Peek Week! Parents may come and watch the last 10 minutes of each class


Wednesday-Thursday 11/27-11/28…. No classes in Observance of Thanksgiving


December 24-January 1- …………………… Winter Break! See you in 2025!


January 12…. Junior Competition dancers winter Showcase! (at the studio).


February 18-20…. February Vacation! No classes held


April 22-24…………April Vacation! No classes held

Saturday June 14 …. Save the Date!  2025  Spring Recital. Rehearsal in the AM, show at 1pm.


Monday July 7 ………. First date for summer classes!

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